Golden Retrievers Tend To Owner For 2 Days After Fall Until Help Arrives, Show True Loyalty

Some guardian angels choose to look over us from close by.
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And such help from two loving golden retrievers might be the reason Judy Muhe of Palmdale, Florida, is still alive today. When the 76-year-old woman, who suffers from Parkinson’s disease and lives alone, fell in her kitchen, 10-year-old Higgins and 4-year-old Dodger clung to her side for two days until help arrived, reported ABC News.

Muhe bruised her head and shattered her shoulder when she fell, and spend the subsequent 48 hours drifting in and out of consciousness. Her two dogs, aware of her distress, laid down next to her, keeping her as warm and as comfortable as they possibly could.

“The main thing was they let me know I was not alone,” Muhe told ABC News. “[Higgins] laid up against my back, and Dodger laid on my feet and legs … I don’t know what I would have done without them … I just love my dogs so much.”
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