It’s National Dog Day! We Share Our Dogs’ Best and Worst Money Habits

Here’s a ruff idea of their spending.
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“Cooper’s worst money habit is ripping apart all of his toys the same day he gets them, which makes me spend a lot of money on toys!” —Veronica Quezada, MONEY Audience Engagement Writer

In honor of National Dog Day, we asked MONEY staffers to divulge just how much they spend on their pooches. While we know you can’t put a price on a pup’s unconditional love, the bills do add up.

This year, U.S. pet owners are expected to spend $62.75 billion on dogs and other furry, scaly, and feathered friends—a figure that has steadily increased each year, according to the American Pet Products Association. Puppy chow eats up the largest chunk of that total, with Americans expected to spend $23 billion on pet food. Trips to the vet are also costly, too, running pet owners a total of $15.42 billion in 2016.

The essential expenses are only part of the total cost; there’s also grooming, boarding, vitamins, and Fido’s toys and treats. In total, the APPA estimates that man will spend $1,641 each year to take care of his best friend.

There certainly are ways that you can cut back on pet spending without depriving your furry family member. Here are the best—and worst—money habits of MONEY’s favorite dogs.