National Puppy Day 2016

National Puppy Day will make you happy

(CNN)Happiness, Charles M. Schulz famously observed, is a warm puppy.
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Today, on National Puppy Day, there’s always plenty of happiness to go around.
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Consider the youthful canines at the Humane Society of Utah.

Sarge, a 5-month-old pit bull mix, looks at you with welcoming eyes. Storm, a 2-month-old Jack Russell mix, looks like he’d love companionship as much as peanut butter. And how can you resist the goofy, quizzical look of Jax, a 6-month-old Australian shepherd mix?

Guinnevere Shuster, the Humane Society of Utah’s photographer and social media coordinator, gave the pups’ photos the professional treatment and says the idea is just to help them find new homes.

“We try to do these photos for dogs who maybe need a little extra help getting adopted,” she said.
(Cont. Reading)